“Coming back to where you started is not the same as never leaving.”
Quote Terry Pratchett
“In ancient times cats were worshipped as gods; they have not forgotten this.”~Terry PratchettLänkar
Aysgarth Bygglogg Båt Castle Dartmoor Django Earl of Mount Edgcumbe Fartyg Forward Birmingham Great Western Great Western Railway GWR Helig Birma Highworth Hiking Historia HMC Sherbourne Hundred of Manhood & Selsey Tramway I K Brunel Ismael Kingdom Brunel Järnväg Katt kutter landet Lizzy Katt Luna Moped Neva Masquerade Peugeot Puffer Radiostyrd båt Ritning Ronja Scooter Selway Tramways semester släktforskning statisk modell Trevino Vilhelm Walking Wee Dram West Sussex Railway — Selsey Tramway Section Yulia Ånglok